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Natalie Clauss

Accessories and accessories to wear

From May 7 to 13 this year is EuropeanBabywearing Week ( EBW). On the occasion, similar to the cloth diaper week, there are discounts and competitions at many manufacturers. Bloggers and stores also participate in the week with events and other promotions. Marina Sondermann has called on her website to a blog parade on the occasion of EBW and I would also like to participate and write about accessories and accessories for wearing. These I will present to you in the following.

Das Logo der european babywearing week 2018.

Carrying jacket

A carrying jacket is put on over the carrier or the sling, so that the baby does not have to be dressed further and is simply with under your own jacket. In my blog article Wearing in Winter I already described that this is a useful option, especially for newborns.

You can find good babywearing jackets at Natürlich Familie*.

Depending on the jacket, the carrying inserts are permanently integrated or can be inserted separately, so that the jacket can also be used without this insert. Sometimes there are also special pregnancy inserts. Depending on the model, the jacket can be used for carrying in front or also for carrying on the back.

Jacket insert

Jacket inserts are used in combination with their own jacket. They are integrated either with zippers or with clips. This also creates a carrying jacket, but without having to buy the entire jacket again. The insert can be used mainly in the front, unless your own jacket is cut open and the zipper for the insert is sewn in. Jacket inserts are an inexpensive alternative to test how much the system is used or as a supplement for dad, who usually wears less than mom.

Carrying cover or carrying tunnel

A baby carrier or tunnel is placed around the child after it has been fully carried. Here, too, the baby does not need to be additionally dressed thickly. It is closed behind the baby's back, usually with adjustable straps. Carry covers or carry tunnels are usually cheaper than carry jackets and can be used by all carriers.

You can also find baby carriers at Natürlich Familie*.

Mommy and baby scarf

Sometimes it gets cold, especially for mom, in the neckline when carrying in winter. For this purpose, special mom-child scarves (which of course can also be used by dads) have been developed, which have a scarf for mom and baby in one scarf. It is virtually a piece of fabric with two holes for the heads. In many cases, a cap for the baby is also integrated.

Baby carriers

Probably the best known brand of baby carriers was BabyLegs by Manduca, however Manduca has since discontinued this brand. The cuffs often come in one size fits all, and some manufacturers also offer smaller newborn cuffs. The cuffs extend from the base of the thigh to the ankles, covering the entire leg. Some can also be purchased with (increased) UV protection, which can be handy in the summer months. In the summer, they can equally be a substitute for pants, and in the winter they can simply be put on top of pants or tights as an extra layer of clothing. Later they can also serve as arm warmers or similar.

Pretty cuffs are also available at Natürlich Familie*.

Carrying boots

Carrying boots have many different names depending on the manufacturer, often they are also found under booties or boots. These are pulled on the feet and are optimally adjustable in width, so that they do not slip off the foot. They are designed to keep the feet warm in cold temperatures. Especially for older children, where the feet already peek out from under the jacket, or babies who are worn over the jacket, this can be a wise investment in winter.

Some time ago I was allowed to test the carrying boots from Hobea in my blog. For this I have written the article HOBEA baby winter shoes

Baby carrier

Sometimes I read about special carrying or also play chains. With this the babies can occupy themselves while carrying or breastfeeding, instead of scratching for example. Only saliva-proof colors and of course non-toxic materials should be used. Especially during teething, many babies like to chew on them. Meanwhile, there are many different variants of carrying chains.

There are many other accessories and accessories that are often mentioned in relation to carrying, such as special carrier bags. I have described in this article but only those accessories that I really see in direct connection with carrying. Of course, you are welcome to add in the comments. I would be pleased!

*This isan affiliate link to a partner store of mine. About mediated purchases I finance such items.

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