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Natalie Clauss

Kokadi TaiTai Tragehilfe

I would like to tell you about my experience with the TaiTai baby carrier from the German manufacturer Kokadi. Kokadi is best known for its Wunderland slings. However, in addition to slings, it also produces baby carriers such as the Taitai. For this review I tested the Kokadi TaiTai in all three sizes, Babysize, Toddler and Toddler XL.


Information about the carrier and first impression

Der Kokadi TaiTai in den Motiven Rainbow Dots und Mother Earth.

The carrier is, as I have just written, available in three different sizes. According to the manufacturer, the baby size fits from birth to about size 80, the Toddlersize from size 74 to about size 98 and the last size, Toddler XL, finally from size 86 to size 104. In my experience, the bar width in Toddlersize was already at size 92 no longer suitable, so I then tried the next size, where then, however, the back part is again quite long.

The Kokadi TaiTai belongs to the half-buckle carriers, because it is closed at the waist belt with a buckle and the straps are tied. In the meantime, the buckle has been changed again and again. So that there is now also the version TaiTai Z. I still have the side buckle on my TaiTai, meanwhile it is centered. I was able to test the centered buckle in another carrier, the Kokadi WrapStar. Therefore, I can transfer my experience.

You can read my impressions of the Kokadi Wrapstar in my article "Test Report Kokadi WrapStar".

Der Kokadi TaiTai hat einen ser festen und stabilen Bauchgurt.Der Kokadi TaiTai mit ihren Einstellungsmöglichkeiten.

The new price of the baby carrier is, depending on the model, at least 129€. However, most models are priced at 159€ upwards. There are standard models, as well as limited models, which are only available in a certain number of pieces. The backs are sewn from the manufacturer's slings, so almost all slings new to the market from Kokadi are also available as TaiTai.

In addition, there are now both the Flip and the TaiTai of Kokadi in the Basics variant. This is priced at 99€. The only difference here is that the carrier is exclusively in gray and no headrest is included.

A headrest can be purchased additionally. This is attached to the back part with a zipper. Thus, the motif can also be replaced, who would like to have something new in between without having to buy a new carrier. The headrest is priced at 14,90€.

In addition to Kokadi directly, the Taitai can also be purchased through many other online stores, such as Amazon.*.

Der Kokadi TaiTai hat eine Kopfstütze, diese ist ebenfalls aus Tragetuch.

The straps and the belly strap are made of black organic cotton and are padded with foam. The waist belt is very firm and stable. The straps are relatively narrow, but very thick and also long padded. The straps look a bit stiff because of the thick padding. The width at the baby's head can be changed with an elastic band and buttons.

The headrest of the Taitai can be attached to the counterpart on the straps with snaps. The "jingle" of the buttons is noticeable here, but this is no longer present in newer models because the snaps have been changed. The bar width can be changed by means of Velcro on the waist belt. Not included in the purchase is the chest strap, which can be used when wearing back. This is available for 5,50€ additionally.

When carrying

Ich trage meine Tochter in der Kokadi TaiTai und schaue dabei in die Kamera.

I have tested the carrier over a relatively long period of time again and again in all three sizes. For me, the Kokadi baby carrier fits pretty well, the straps fit snugly so that my son could look over them. (Depending on the proportions of the wearer, the straps can protrude a lot, also due to the heavy padding, so that babies are limited in their view).

I found the carrier to be very comfortable for a long time, precisely because of the good padding. Later, however, I was bothered by the fact that the padding was so long and felt restricted by it in the waist. Neck or back pain I did not get even on long walks with the baby carrier. I think it's a shame that the chest strap is not included as standard, as I find carrying on the back with a chest strap much more comfortable.

Back carrying with the Kokadi TaiTai

You can see how to back carry with the TaiTai in the following tutorial on Kokadi's youtube channel.


The manufacturer recommends hand washing for the carrier, even though the sewn sling is a pure cotton sling. I never had any problems with this. However, the carrier took a relatively long time to dry because of the thick padding on the straps.

Conclusion on the Kokadi TaiTai

Ich trage meine Tochter in der Kokadi TaiTai.

The Kokadi TaiTai is a carrier that provides an ergonomic position for both the wearer and the baby. However, it fits better or worse depending on the proportions of the wearer, so I recommend testing it before buying. This is true for Kokadi TaiTai, as well as all other carriers. For me, the carrier was very comfortable, especially in the first 18 months, so I used it a lot. Qualitatively, I find the stretcher good, although after several washes also light pilling is visible on the back part.

FAQ about the Kokadi TaiTai

When can I start using the Kokadi TaiTai in baby size?

The TaiTai in baby size actually already fits most babies totally well from birth. Sometimes the back seemed very large, but this can be adjusted by placing the baby low (slightly in front of the waist belt) or by tying the straps. The baby size then fits approximately up to size 74/80, depending on the proportions of the baby.

When can I start using the Kokadi TaiTai in Toddlersize?

According to the manufacturer, the toddlersize of the TaiTai fits from one to two years. In my experience, it fits from size 74 approximately up to size 92 approximately. The sizes are very dependent on the proportions of the child.

When can I start using the Kokadi TaiTai in size XL?

The TaiTai XL is really big and will probably fit most children from size 92. The manufacturer itself writes that it can be used from two years.

Which is better - the Fräulein Hübsch (Mei Tai), the Emeibaby, the Flip from Kokadi or the TaiTai from Kokadi?

With baby carriers, it's almost always difficult to say which is better. So again, I can't say which carrier is better. This is simply very individual and I would therefore always recommend testing carriers before buying. Some stores offer test packages for this purpose and otherwise most babywearing consultants also have a large selection of baby carriers to try out.

Basically, the system of baby carriers is also different - half-buckle and full-buckle baby carriers. In my blog, I have already written reviews of many different baby carriers, which may provide you with some guidance. The following reviews might be interesting for you:

Can I buy the Kokadi TaiTai used or should I rather buy the carrier new?

Basically, all baby carriers can also be bought well used. In most cases, they are still in good condition even after a long period of use. Used carriers have the advantage that the fabric is already somewhat softer from wearing.

Especially with the TaiTai there have been changes in the last years. As long as you are not looking for a special version of the TaiTai, buying used works very well. Many parents have had good experiences with Ebay classifieds, Ebay or Mami Kreisel.

I would just recommend that you make sure that the carrier comes from a smoke-free household and, if you have problems with pet hair allergies, also from a pet-free household. Also, of course, the carrier should not have any holes or other safety defects. Pilling or stains are generally only an aesthetic problem.

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